Female Image Presentation and Discourse Construction Based on Intelligent Algorithm Recommendation from the Perspective of New Media


  • Ju Xiong


Female image is by no means female itself, it is a kind of cultural conception of male. This is a kind of man-made discourse practice and a symbolic “language symbol“ constructed by patriarchal ideology. This paper studies the representation of female images and discourse construction memory based on intelligent algorithm recommendation from the perspective of new media. Because of the materialization of language and thought, people often think that the female body spring is the female itself, and believe that the language description of the female is the female reality. This paper uses intelligent algorithm to extract a group of keywords from the main discourse texts of Chinese and foreign advertising female image supervision, and through the understanding and interpretation trend of different supervision systems in China and foreign countries, it summarizes the discourse differences, interpretation tension and the deeper social and cultural differences behind them. From the perspective of iconology, this paper analyzes the deep psychological foundation and social cultural foundation of female images in patriarchal culture. At the same time, this paper reveals the power discourse relationship and its operation mechanism. On this basis, it puts forward the construction of ecological women and Gender Ethics for the future.




