Motivation, Knowledge, Experience, and Environment for Entrepreneurial Success


  • Yenny Maya Dora*, Djoko Roespinoedji, Obsatar Sinaga


- It is not easy to achieve entrepreneurial success as almost everyone says that. Many factors influence
entrepreneurial success for entrepreneurs. This research is conducted to determine the influence of motivation,
knowledge, experience, and environment on entrepreneurial success. This research method uses descriptive and
verification methods. The data is obtained by distributing questionnaires to 75 students who already have
businesses. The analytical tool used to analyze the data in SPSS version 22. From the research results, it is
obtained that motivation, knowledge, experience, and environment influence entrepreneurial success. The
marginalization of this study was that motivation, knowledge, and the environment had more influence on
entrepreneurial success. While the results of previous studies of motivation, experience, and environment that
influence the success of entrepreneurship.




