Smart Cage for Lovebird Base on Internet of Things


  • Ari Purno Wahyu W*, Rozahi Istambul


Various types of lovebirds and maintenance media are an option for some people. In maintaining
lovebird birds, providing regular feed and drinking has become a necessity that must be done so that the
lovebirds do not lack nutrition which can result in death of pet lovebirds, and to maintain the health of
lovebirds, clean cages are needed, namely by frequently removing their droppings. The obstacles that
commonly occur in lovebird maintenance are irregularities in the timing of feeding and drinking lovebird birds.
As a result, is not uncommon for lovebirds to become less feed and drink, even resulting in the death of the pet.
This problem can be solved with a smart cage using an object detection system. So, this system can feed and
drink automatically, by detecting the object (feed and water), to detect feed using an infrared sensor and to
detect water using a water level sensor. And this system can also perform cage cleaning according to the time
we set using the Real Time Clock. This system can make it easier for bird keepers who are busy with their
activities so that their pets can be fully cared for.




