The Effect of Persuasive Communication of Affiliate Marketers on Increasing Viva Product Sales on Beliviva.Com (Cognitive, Affective, and Conative Application Survey)


  • Yoyoh Hereyah, Novianika Hutajulu


Persuasion has become an alternative that is widely used in communication. The term persuasion means to persuade, invite, or seduce. Persuasive communication has the goal of changing the beliefs, attitudes, or behavior of other individuals or groups by transmitting several messages. This research is very important because in communicating, communicators are not always able to meet face to face with the communicant. That persuasive communication must be focused on the goal, namely to influence others. Attitude is a mental and nervous state of readiness regulated through observations that provide a dynamic or directed influence on individual responses to all objects and situations related to it. Attitude contains three components, namely the cognitive component, the affective component, and the behavioral component. To achieve the research objectives, quantitative research methods are used. The quantitative method can be defined as a postpositivist research method, which is used to examine a certain population or sample, data collection using research instruments, statistical data analysis to test predetermined hypotheses, from the results of a survey conducted on, affiliate marketers in the DKI Jakarta area.

The number of samples used was 75 respondents, with the number of questionnaires as many as 58 questions. Of the 75 respondents, the characteristics of filling out the questionnaire were entirely dominated by women as much as 100% who were over 27 years old as many as 58.7%. Most affiliate marketers have only joined for about a year. Affiliate marketers also obtained information about the existence of from social media. The results of hypothesis testing using the T-test in this study also showed the influence of variable X, namely X1, X2, and X3, on variable Y. So it can be said that persuasive communication through affective and conative cognitive applications affects increasing the income of affiliate marketers. From the normality test, the persuasive communication variable on the sales increase variable, the significance value is 0.140. This number is greater than 0.05.

Therefore, the residual value of the variables in this study is normally distributed. Then, the Kolmogorov Smirnov normality test results for the influence at the level of the X variable dimension, namely the cognitive persuasive communication dimension, the affective persuasive communication, and the conative persuasive communication on the sales increase variable also resulted in a normal distribution. Because it looks Asymp.Sig. (2-tailed) Alternatively, the significance value is 0.140. The results of this study also illustrate that there is an effect of persuasive communication on increasing sales. The average states strongly agree with the statements in this table. On average, 45.3% agreed, and 21.4% strongly agreed. Based on the research results, the advice that can be given to is that it is better to maintain and increase knowledge about persuasive communication to affiliate marketers. With the increase in persuasive communication skills, it is hoped that in line with the increase in these affiliates' income.




