Research on Solutions of Poverty Return Prevention and Income Increase in Poor Ethnic Minority Villages in South Xinjiang: Taking Piqiang Village in Wushi County as an example
The four prefectures in South Xinjiang are the areas where ethnic minorities live in compacted communities, also known as one of the deeply impoverished areas and prefectures, namely, the three areas and three prefectures. At present, having been lifted out of poverty, the four prefectures enter into the moderate prosperous society together with the other areas in China. Without a continuous and stable increase in the income, however, ethnic minority farmers might easily return to poverty, which will greatly affect the realization of the overall goal of building a moderate prosperous society in all respects. Taking Piqiang Village in Wushi County, Aksu Prefecture as an example, this paper analyzes the status quo of the poor ethnic minority villages in South Xinjiang, the causes of their poverty, and problems that can easily lead them to return to poverty. Apart from that, this paper provides constructive suggestions to prevent ethnic minority farmers from returning to poverty and to achieve sustained and stable income growth.