Genesis of the Cu Polymetallic Deposits in the Dabancheng Area, Eastern Tianshan: Constraints from Fluid Inclusion and In-Situ Sulfur Isotope
The Bogeda orogenic belt, located in the northern part of the eastern Tianshan Mountains, is a copper polymetallic deposit with important economic value. The Weicaogou and Miao’ ergou deposits both occur in Dabancheng area along the Bogeda Orogenic Belt; the proven resources include Cu and Zn. Fluid inclusion petrography and microthermometry suggest that the ore fluids of Weicaogou deposit are characterized as a medium- to high-temperature and medium to low–salinity H2O-NaCl hydrothermal fluids during the main mineralization stage (stage 2). The sulfur isotopic composition shows that the ore-forming materials of the Weicaogou deposit are mainly derived from magma and strata. Meanwhile, the ore-forming fluid of Miaoegou deposit is mainly H2O NaCl fluid with medium temperature and low salinity; The ore-forming materials mainly come from strata. Weicaogou, Miao’ ergou deposits both are vein-type deposits and form in the peripheral of porphyry system. There is a porphyry Cu polymetallic system genesis in Bogeda Orogenic Belt during Late Carboniferous.