Finite element analysis of Yamaha SZ 150 cc motorcycle disc brake
Braking is a method that transforms the kinetic energy into mechanical energy which must be disintegrated in the form of heat. Braking process is nothing more than providing rotary motion resistance, resulting in a reduction of the rotating member's speed or total stoppage of that member. The frictional heat generated at the interface disc pads during the braking process will lead to high temperatures. During braking operation, the induced frictional heat causes many negative impacts on the brake system, such as brake fade, premature wear, thermal cracks and variance in disc thickness. This paper aims to present a comparison of the thermal activity of the disc brake motorcycles during the braking process using static structural and thermal analysis using finite elemental analysis for the vehicle disc brake pad method. The ANSYS workbench performed numerical study of Yamaha for various speed and mass of flywheel. Experimentally obtained results are compared with mathematical results and numerical results. The comparison of these experimental, numerical and mathematical results finds its suitability for the optimized dimensions of disc brake.