Destination Marketing & Management Organizations in India
- Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) play a substantial role in marketing and management of tourist destinations. Presence of both public and private stakeholders often makes it a complex task because of conflicting interests. A detailed study of Destination Marketing and Management Organizations of India reveals its evolution and present concept in light of establishment of DMOs in other countries. The objective of the paper is to explore the development of Ministry of Tourism as a DMO or NTO. Data available from the official websites of the tourism departments of concerned states and Ministry of India were recorded and interpreted to understand the role of Ministry of Tourism, India as a National DMO and State/Union Territory Tourism Departments as Regional Tourism Organization (RTO). The organizational structure of DMOs is quite different in Indian ministerial system of government when compared to other countries. Ministry of Tourism functions as National Tourism Organization (NTO) in promoting India as a destination. It is found that State and Union Territory Tourism Departments work as DMOs under Ministry of Tourism, India. State/UT tourism departments promote their geographical areas, hence,they may be considered as Regional Tourism Organizations (RTOs).