Composition of Social Set up: A Critical study
In this word administration, every elements and particles are associated with global society, without
which nothing could be made and shaped. During rainy season human being needs an umbrella to save
them from rain so as global society is needed to them for nurture their life in the patterns of social,
economical, political and cultural. Through these patterns their characters, cultures and behaviours are
deeply respected and shaped according to other people convenience and respects. Under or inside of this
global society or social setup form small to big organs and elements are established and made by the
god, for them all the shelter and needs would be arranged by this society, without social setup nobody
would be considered as a respected and dignified person because which makes them to do their duty
according to their future’s needs and social developments. Inside of social setup entire creatures made
by the god is protected and accommodated well and good without any negative causes ,as to this society
takes care on them and gives all the rudimentary facilities along with the help of political entity. To do
all the jobs of human beings social setup has been an inevitable tools and safe place, by which civilians
to aunts are able to shape, develop and progress itself with its own astute and erudite .With plausible and
legible planning god and almighty have given this precious endless social setup to every one of human
being which they have to preserve, save and reserve for succeeding generation without drain and plain.
Its presences seem to their eyes as they see god nearby them, which they felt when they look at ever
green eco system, beautiful sky and waters in the soil. Than all other educated engineers god is real hero
and talented engineer of human being’s good and happy life because he has created every one with
different identify and styles as they will not be similar to each other in image and figuratively. Such
admirable and praiseworthy talent of god is still worshiped by common people at each and every place.
With an intensive contemplation he has given and made up this social setup as it accommodate and
comprise all his creatures and establishments, with it help and given social setup every particles and
creatures in this soil is able to possess and enjoy all the indispensable needs and jobs for the wellbeing
of social development as well as global development