Gratitude: Life’s Key To Abundance With Reference To The Magic By Rhonda Byrne
Men in the cult of modern life find happiness as an elusive term unable to tap out
life’s bestowed blessings. The relation between to be grateful for and finding happiness can
puzzle everybody in the present scenario. The term ‘Gratitude’ is significant and the
Gratitude Movement has become pivotal in the world today to spill the beans of unhappiness.
This life on the earth is a rare privilege. It is a blessed gift. For this one owes a gratitude to
Almighty who has given a beautiful life to cherish, to feel around love, beauty, nature,
thoughts, emotions, feelings, the visible and the invisible things of the universe. Rhonda
Byrne in her book ‘The Magic’ gives a wonderful insight into life’s key to abundance which
lies in the practice of gratitude. ‘Gratitude’ is an act of thankfulness or an art of conveying
thanks to someone who has benefitted one in any manner. It emerges from the heart of one’s
being and at times expressed through words or through gestures or actions. The present paper
is an attempt to put forth the principles discussed by Rhonda Byrne in ‘The Magic’ and
through her ideologies suggest that the world needs more positivity out of everyone rather
than wasting time on negative things.