Design of Arduino-Based Metal Detector Robot


  • Mujiarto, Aceng Sambas, Irpan Haerudin


Metal Detector Robot is an instrument controlled by an Android-based smartphone that detects the presence of metal, especially landmines, on a designated location. The usage of landmines causing injury and fatality makes detectors important. The old method of detecting landmines such as direct sweeping is very risky for stepping the landmine unintentionally. In this research, the robot system is equipped with a metal detector useful to detect the metal presence based on coil induction when it's approaching the metal. LCD works as an interface showing frequencies of detected metals. The robot movement is controlled by DC's current motor programmed using Arduino UNO. When the robot detects the metal presence, the buzzer sound will be triggered, and the LCD will show the detected metal frequency. The testing result shows that an Android-based smartphone can control the robot up to 15 meters radius. The detection radius is effective up to 88 millimeters from the detector head.

Keywords- arduino uno, metal detector, design, robot




