To The Question of Compatibility of Resin Used When Creating Polymeric Composite Materials


  • A.V. Golubev, V.D. Voronchikhin


The durability of polymer compositions for various purposes is determined by many factors, the key of which is the compatibility of the components. Considering that the main functional load falls on the polymer matrix, it can be argued that it is the properties of the matrix that determine the effective period of operation of products. In this case, one polymer, often, cannot provide the entire complex of properties required for the matrix. Therefore, it is necessary to use a mixture of polymers. At the same time, most polymers are thermodynamically incompatible and the search for effective methods for predicting their compatibility is an urgent task. The article considers the compatibility of polymer resins used in the creation of polymer composite materials for aerospace purposes. The article proposes a modified formula for calculating the compatibility parameter of polymer resins, which takes into account not only the constants of molecular attraction of functional groups and atoms of monomer units, but also the micro- and macromolecular features of the combined polymers. The resulting method clearly demonstrates that polymers of the same structure, but having different characteristics (for example, density, depending on the molecular weight and molecular weight distribution of the polymer), have different solubility parameters, which imposes restrictions on their use.




