Partnership Management Strategy: A Study At Vocational High School In East Kalimantan
This research aims to find out the implementation of partnership-based strategic management in improving the quality of graduates in vocational high schools in Samarinda city of East Kalimantan. The approach used in this study is qualitative research. This research was conduct at vocational high school 1 Bontang with the consideration of having implemented quality management, referral school status, students and outstanding teachers. Data analysis includes data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification data. The implementation of strategic management based on partnerships in improving the quality of graduates, namely collaborating with external parties through partnership-oriented activities such as industrial work practices, industrial visits, guest teachers, apprentices, external examiners during competency tests, providing assistance in the form of facilities and infrastructure as needed and the ability of the business world / industrial world. Partnership-based strategic management in improving the quality of graduates in vocational high schools can be seen from the percentage of graduates who work, continue their education, are entrepreneurial above thirty-five per cent.