Iot Pi Based Health Monitoing And Alerting System Using Raspberry
Specialists throughout the healthcare sector are increasingly leveraging the areas of concern that these developments carry in and can allow considerable improvement in and beyond the medical administrations. Similarly, the capabilities of Electronic Health apps and Health. Health analysts slowly misuse the points of value these developments add to the social security market in the healthcare setting, thus creating a crucial change. Likewise, endless standard customers are helping and helping their health experts by using the M-Health (Mobile Health) applicants and EHealth. Health analysts slowly misuse the points of value these developments add to the social security market in the healthcare setting, thus creating a crucial change. Likewise, endless standard customers are helping and helping their health experts by using the M-Health (Mobile Health) programs and EHealth. A dependable and rapidly persistent portion of this corresponding technique. In the proposed system having heart rate, temperature, vibration sensors all integrated to the parallel processing microprocessor. Health parameters re measured by sensors and give the raspberry pi module. This module analyse the data aand monitor in LCD, post the same in internet of things based server. We continuously monitor, if any changes found like low heart rate, high heart rate, high temperature, patient movement iot alerts the authorized person regarding health.