The Effect of Work Motivation, Leadership Style and Regional Performance Allowances Toward Civil Servants’ Performance of the Office of Youth Education and Sports in Solok Regency - Indonesia
—This aims of this research to know the effect of work motivation, leadership style, and
regional performance allowances toward civil servants' performance of the office of youth education
and sports in Solok regency and reveal the causal relationship that exists between the research
variables. This research uses explanatory causal in the form of a survey. The population of this study
were all employees of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports Solok District amounted to 92
people with a sample of 46 people were taken by total sampling technique. Data was collected using
a questionnaire prepared by simple regression data analysis techniques and multiple regression after
it continued with path analysis. The data were then analyzed statistically using Microsoft Excel IBM
SPSS Statistic 19. The findings of this research indicate: Work Motivation, Leadership Style, and
Regional Performance Allowances partially and collectively have a positive effect on Civil Servants
Performance of the Office of Youth and Sports Education in Solok Regency with an effect of 87.7%.
Based on the findings of this research concluded that to improve performance employees must pay
serious attention to these factors. This opportunity shows that the ability of the leadership to increase
the motivation of both intrinsic and extrinsic to provide rewards for staff discipline and provide
punishment for employees who are lazy, undisciplined, and do not work according to predefined
rules. Besides, the style or styles of leadership deserve critical attention and performance benefits
that can meet the needs of employees.