Characterization of LVOF Sprayed Al2O3-13% TiO2 and Al2O3- 40% TiO2 Coatings on ASTM 316 Boiler Steel and There Microstructure
Most common issue in power generation plants is considered as disintegration or degradation of steels used in boilers in recent days and reasons for this failure is erosion, high temperature hot corrosion. Protective or defensive coatings have been found protective to solve this problem and showed good results. Thermally sprayed coatings are widely used in various industries in boilers components such as boiler tubes, super-heater tubes, boiler walls and Induced Draft (I.D.) fans in coal fired power plants , automobile system etc. The LVOF coatings show good adherence to the substrate with lower oxidation rate. In this work LVOF Sprayed Al2O3-13%TiO2 as well as Al2O3-40%TiO2 Coatings were deposited on ASTM 316 Boiler Steel. The characterization of coating was done by Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-Ray diffraction for checking the phases formed on the surface, and elemental examination of the cross-section. The surface morphology of the above said coatings was examined with the help of Scanning Electron Microscopy with EDAX attachment, XRD examination and the Xray mapping. The investigation shows that the chosen feedstock and coating technique have produced the successful coatings victoriously.