Impact Of Mall Attributes On Shoppers’ Shopping Behavior In Ub City Mall Of Bengaluru City
Malls have seen an amazing development in India among the preceding couple of years. Notwithstanding, the shopping malls have not possessed the capacity to ruthlessly give a one stop goal to the shoppers in Bengaluru city. There is one city shopping mall considered over in this examination which speak to the city of Bengaluru. An example of 126 respondents was taken who are the visitors of mall or those for the most part buys are from mall. The information was gathered through the opinions including 34 parameters on five-point Likert scale. Measurable examination was conducted utilizing the software SPSS version 20 which indicated the Exploratory Factor Analysis and Multiple Regression of data. Seven mall attributes those are relaxation, entertainment, aesthetic design, accessibility, service offered at mall, mall image and shopping economy are relevant to the shoppers shopping behavior in UB City mall were found.