A Comparative Study and Performance Analysis of Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is a Public Key cryptographic technique that is used for efficient implementation and the use of multipliers in ECC plays a major role in improving efficiency thus making it suitable for lightweight applications. In this paper we have implemented ECC using GF (2163) in ZedBoard containing Xilinx XC7Z020-1CLG484C Zynq-7000 AP SoC. In future, the application of ECC can be used in On Board Units (OBU) in vehicles with the help of ZedBoard which has an ARM processor. In order to compare the number of slices occupied by each algorithm in ZedBoard, we have implemented two symmetric key algorithms (PRESENT, GIFT) and two asymmetric key algorithms (RSA, ECC). The simulation and synthesis for the same is done using Vivado version 2018.3. This paper mainly focuses on the implementation and use of multiplier in ECC. Hence we have included a survey on the performance of ECC in different platforms of Xilinx FPGA focusing mainly on the multipliers used. The survey provides clarity on the classification of multipliers by choosing some of the multipliers that occupy lesser area and time. We have noted the observation and have also added further enhancements that can be made to the current findings.