An Effective Way to Prevent the Aggregation of Nanoparticles Prepared by the Laser Ablation in Colloidal Solutions
One of the green processing for preparation metal nanoparticles is the laser removal system that
offers a novel technique for nanoparticle nanofabrication.It is a simple method to produce metal
nanoparticles without the use of chemicals.A silver plate and gold-silver alloy (99.99 purely ). were
prepared via pulsed laser (Nd: YAG, 1064 nm) ablation. Both solutions were made from deionized
water of high purity. Different concentrations of PVA solutions were prepared (1- 2.5 %) Polymer
(MW =18000 ) was used to preventing the aggregation of nanoparticles. The UV - Vis
spectrophotometer and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to determine the optical
spectral characterization and morphological properties (refractive.index, coefficient of extinction , a
real.dielectric constant, imaginary dielectric constant).We showed the prepared Ag-NPs and Ag-Au
alloysuch natural stabilizers change the surface of Au-NPs and their alloys in their chemical
structure by way of a functional group.The peak intensity of Plasmon surface is directly related to
particle density within solutions.