Production of Sulfur Polymer Concrete Using Raw Mashraq Sulfur-Iraq as a Cement Substitute
Sulfur polymer concrete is material is a substitute for a classical cement concrete in which the
binder is cement. The concrete of sulfur polymer was produced by using raw Mashraq sulfurIraq
with styrene as a modifier which is preventing the crystallization of sulfur for the
“stabilizing the chemical structure” of Polysulfide. The purpose of the present research was to
use raw Mashraq sulfur-Iraq as a cement substitute and assessment of characteristics of
polymeric sulfur concrete, which was synthesis with the addition of sand and wood ash, which is
produced from burning wood in restaurants to grill fish and meat.
In this study, sulfur polymeric concrete was evaluated by measuring the compressive strength,
density, water absorption ratio, and chemical resistance towards the aqueous solutions of sulfuric
acid and sodium hydroxide. The results showed a gradual decrease in the density of the samples,
with a decrease the raw Mashraq sulfur percentage and an increase in the percentage of wood
ash, with a change in compressive strength values at the age 7,14, 28 and56 days depend on the
proportions of the polymer components, the nature of the medium and the hardening time. The
study also showed the resistance of Polysulfide and polysulfide co-polymers and their stability
towards sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide when immersed in these solutions for different