Emerging Quality enhancement practices in Higher Education
Higher education sector has evolved a little over its vast history and encountered only minor
changes along the way. In the past, a majority of changes in higher education sector has been
related to providing equal access to all, increasing capacity, ensuring relevance of academic
program, improving campuses and such. However, relentless advances in technology in past few
decades have bought this sector on the precipice of major changes and transformation. The
change and transformation are increasingly becoming more important to this sector, as it bumps
into this modern age and environment digitization. This includes inclusion of better quality of
teachers as well as teaching methods through digital and non-digital means. The aim of such
improvement in educational quality is to better prepare students for the advanced skills required
in the complex job environment today.
In light of this phenomenon, the current study assesses the emerging changes and
transformations that have taken place in higher education for enhancing quality of education. A
systematic review of the tools, technologies, methods, practices and software used in higher
education has been performed. In addition the study also explores key challenges faced in course
of change and transformation in higher education.