Refractive Error Impact on Visual Functioning
The refractive error of the eye caused by many optical and clinical causes some of them:
Irregularity in the shape of the eye, increase or decrease in (calline lens refractive error, the curvature of the
cornea- lens or both of them, shifting in the location of the eye lens, accommodation, congenital defects,
acquired defects may be by accident or through surgery and other reasons. This is the causes of difficulties
for the eyes to focus images clearly, and vision can become blurred and impaired.
In the statistical studies of The Organization of World Health which estimates that 153 million people
are living with impairment in vision worldwide, this is a real health problem need to be studied in the world
and Iraq; for this reason this study was achieved.
In this research Snellen chart used to determine the visual acuity of the patients and autorefractometer
device was used to determine the refractive errors of the patient's eyes and the prescription was written for
each one of them as (spherical, cylindrical) error and axis. The relation between the degree of the refractive
error with the visual acuity was also studied.
The results shown that the refractive errors of the eye in all types depend on the amount of visual acuity and
there is a correlation between them; when the degree of the refractive error increase the defects in visual acuity
also increase.