Influence Make a Match Model toward Communication skills in Physical and Health Pedagogical Concept
Physical education is not just practiced in the field, but the provision of theory to equip students is
very important, so that through model is needed. Experimental methods in applying the model to
communication skills and achievement. this is t test analysis. The results of t test calculations for
communication skills are tcount> ttable (2.32> 2.012), while t test calculations for student
achievement are tcount> ttable (3.33> 2.012). Communication skills and learning achievement
compared to conventional methods. There is a difference in the ability to communicate between
students who use make a match learning with conventional, namely the gain test that results in the
learning achievement of the control class increased by 0.29% and the experimental class by 57%,
while for the communication ability of the control class increased by 0.12% and the experimental
class 0.39%. Make a match equips students to understand theory in pairs of sports (Table Tennis,
Futsal, Badminton, and Basketball) before practicing on the field.