Comparison of Antioxican Tea Potential (Camellia Sinensis) between Green Tea and Black Tea in Datingradical 2,2“Diphenyl-1- Picrylhydrazyl”(Dpph)
At present, two types of tea drinks are most popular in the world namely black tea and
green tea. The main difference between the two types of tea is whether or not the
fermentation process is carried out. Because the manufacturing process is not the same,
the taste, aroma, and ingredients are also different. This study aims to compare the
antioxidant potential between 2 packs of green tea and black tea by calculating IC50
values against DPPH radicals. Measurement of antioxidant activity using the DPPH
method (2,2 diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) with positive control used as ascorbic acid.
Radical capture activity was measured as a decrease in absorbance of DPPH with a
microplate reader at a wavelength of 520 nm..The results of phytochemical screening in
the flavonoid and phenolic tests showed positive results in both samples, namely giving
a red color change in the flavonoids and a green color in the phenolic test. As for the
IC50 value (?g / mL) of green tea and black tea and positive ascorbic acid control
obtained respectively:10,804; 25.79; 2.61. The results of the antioxidant potential of the
green tea IC50 value is better because it is smaller in value than black tea because the
smaller the IC50 value, the stronger the potential of sambal in counteracting free