Rule Based Sentiment Analysis of Hindi Language Reviews for Mobile Phones
Usages of the mobile phones are increasing in the recent years. Any person want to communicate
with their family members, friends and relatives who are far away from him/her the mobile phones plays an
important role to provide the information required for those people. Nowadays many number of smart phones
are exists in the market. The customer who wants to buy the mobile phone is in dilemma that which mobile
phone is having good features and opinions. To understand the opinions of the mobile phones, sentiment
analysis helps to the customers to give the positive and negative views of the customers who are already using
those mobile phones. All the customers who are using those mobile phones posted their reviews using various
social networking sites in the internet. This paper aims to explain the rule based sentiment analysis of the
different mobile phones existing in the market. To perform the experiment various types of mobile phones Hindi
language reviews are considered. In rule based method to find the sentiment analysis of Hindi language reviews
HindiSentiWordNet is used.