Exploring the interdependencies of Critical Impact Factors that effect the food supply chain, supported with case studies and multi variable analysis
According to the FAO information, one-third of food made for human consumption is lost or wasted globally, which amounts to about1.3 billion tons annually. World Resources Institute conjointly indicates that throughout the overall supply chain processes, food value of about $750 billion is either lost or wasted annually.In 2018, the Global Supply Risk Report found that 90% of businesses despite everything didn't analysesrisk when settling on decisions. Therefore, we cannot underestimate the importance of making supply chain measures safe and adjusted to relevant rules. The key to the situation must be the employment of anoptimalsupply chain management system. This may not solely facilitate to shield customers; however it'd conjointly aid businesses in maintaining economical supply chains. In 2014, Managing Risk in international offer Chain declared that 85% of corporations with global supply chains had practiced a minimum of one disruption within the previous year. Anoptimalsupply chain management system can diminish the implications of those disruptions. This paper presents the results of a study to identify and analyze the risks faced in Food Supply Chain Management System (FSCM).