Study of the transmittance of Graphene 519Ag under THz regim
The aim of this study is to examine and calculate the optical transmittance and absorption of graphene 519 Ag. Where, the expermantal and theoretical study of the optical transmittance was carried out in the electromagnetic spectrum region extending from Terahertz to the infrared system under the influence of a medium electric field. we approve that graphene 519 Ag has low resistance at room temperature as a result of the higher electrical conductivity of sample and the resistance increases with decrease temperature. We also confirm the use of our theoretical calculations of permeability and reflection through graphene layers because they included the small reflections that occur between the sample and the substrate which are more accurate than the classic calculation. Theoretical and experimental results have a good convergence in the short and long wavelengths as well as the convergence between theoretical and experimental and can be important for the applications of graphene in optoelectronics and semiconductor devices