Pengembangan Takin Sebagai Model Praktikumberbasis Kearifan Lokal Untuk Fisika Dan Matematika


  • Risma Uly Manalu, Krismondi, Fransiskus Peri, Eflin Charlusy, N. Masta


This study aims to determine the effect of using LKS based on local wisdom in students' mastery of science process concepts and skills in learning materials. This study also aims to determine the relationship between conceptual mastery and students' science process skills with the help of local wisdom-based worksheets. This study uses the research and development (Research and Development or R&D) method with the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) research design. To determine the increase in concept mastery, the N-gain test was used, while the increase in students' science process skills used a questionnaire sheet. The relationship between conceptual mastery and students' science process skills used the product moment correlation test and simple linear regression test. This Student Worksheet is developed in productive subjects and is supported by laboratory equipment.




