Pettifogging Comparison Of Forster’s ‘A Passage To India” With Synchronous Disquieted India


  • Vijay Bhushan, Dr. Atul Bhardwaj


The present paper talks about the introspection of the contemporary India through the specs of E.M. Forester’s ‘A Passage to India’ whichreflects political and mystic aspects. In its political purview it talks about the tension between the national citizens and the Britishers.It also talks about the tension between Hindus and Muslims. Similar is the situation of modern India. One side India is emerging stronger day by day in the international scenario but on the contrary our neighboring country is unable to tolerate that. Its reflection is clearly visible in the relationship between Indian Muslims and Hindus. In its mystical portion it is summoned with the rummage aroundthe infinite and the eternal.Subsequently it reflects the attribute of oriental belief with the irrational and bafflingcomponent in human life. The trip to the Malabar caves exemplifies the malevolentface of mysticism; the Temple-Festival at the enddemonstrates its compassionate feeling. The three seasons of the Indian year i.e. the cold weather, the hot weather, the Rains have been portrayed as three sections into which the book is divided. Similarly this paper sheds light on external attack of our neighboring country on the harmony of India in the contemporary time. The same was prevalent when Forster wrote his Passage to India. Although today we are having divided geographical, political and administrative boundaries after partitionthe communal fissure is worsening day by day. NRC, CAA, Kashmir issues, etc. have disconcerted these peripheralinstruments to adespicabledegree. Thebogusnationalopinions and the intentionallyperverted mental blocks have ruthlesslysmashed the opportunity of setting upalliance between the Indians and the Pakistanis or even we can say Hindus and Muslims. This paper concludes by highlighting the prospect of future companionship between the two communities and these two nations. Also it is asked thatso shall we need Forster to revisit his passage to India or it is a time to forget these differences and live peacefully and meaningfully as a human beings




