Analysing Gender Equality in Access to Social Justice from Dwellers’ Perspective in Guwahati City


  • Dr. Bibeka Nanda Gogoi


Social justice aims at administering justice in the society between classes and between classes and not between individuals.It is to end the class difference by removing inequalities andaffording equal opportunities to all citizens  in both social and economic spheres. Gender equality refers to the view that men and women should enjoy the same rights and opportunities including economic participation and decision making and the aspirations and needs of men and women should be valued and favoured equality. It is the process of allocating resources and programs fairly to both males and females without any discrimination on the basis of sex. Since its independence, India has placed gender equality and women’s empowerment on its agenda. The Constitution of India not only grants equality to women but also empowers the state to make special provisions in favour of women and children. It renounces practices derogatory to the dignity of women. The women dwellers  living in the city are entitled to their basic rights of life’s and living to provide adequate shelter along with infrastructure for foods, means of pursuing livelihood, sanitation ,healthcare and other basic  facilities needed for their survival with human dignity with all meaningful purposes.In this paper an attempt has been made to throw light analysing  on various issues on  gender equality as the state government administration has far away to ensure social justice to this groupof people   in the city of  Guwahati both spatially and socially. The paper  has been prepared on the basis  of both primary and secondary data.

Keywords: gender equality, women’s right, government, social justice




