Mutual Fund Investment Analysis: Sharia and Conventional


  • Celline Dyah Pitaloka, Indriawati Teja Wijaya, Ririn Aprilianza, Dina Deviesta Rochim, Suryana


This study aims to analyze the comparative performance of Islamic equity funds with the performance of conventional equity funds in terms of based on risk and return level of equity fund by measuring methods of Sharpe index, Treynor index and Jensen index. This study focuses on the types of equity funds. This study using a quantitative research, and secondary data. The population of this study is taken of the type of mutual funds available on the official website of the OJK (Financial Services Authority), the samples used are sharia and conventional mutual funds issued by the same investment manager and were active during 2018-August 2020. Data used in the form of Net Asset Value (NAB) data for 2018 - August 2020, Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) and LQ45, interest rate data of Bank Indonesia Certificate (SBI) and Bank Indonesia Sharia Certificate (SBIS) period 2018- August 2020. The method of analysis used is parametric t- statistic (independent sample t-test) with SPSS program. The study found that conventional mutual funds perform better than sharia mutual funds when using Sharpe, Treynor methods because the average calculation of conventional mutual funds is greater than conventional mutual funds. Conversely, if using Jensen method sharia mutual funds have a better performance because it has a higher average Jensen value than conventional mutual funds. For Sharia and Conventional Equity Mutual Fund Return levels there is nothing better than JII and LQ45. For Risk Level Sharia and Conventional Equity Mutual Funds are no different from JII and LQ45.




