The Main Factors Influencing The Development Of Logical Thinking Skills Of Students In Physics Lessons


  • Kutbedinov А.К., Кarimov А.М.,Toshpulatova Sh.О ., Ashirbekova S.U. Ochilov Sh.B., Кanatbayev S.S.


As a comprehensive understanding of the concept of "intelligence" in the world is a global concept that focuses on research in the development of natural and specific Sciences, which focuses on the logical thinking of students, as well as expanding the requirements for the quality and competence of content based on the level of logical thinking. The main focus is the development of intellectual and intellectual abilities of students in higher education institutions in the United States, England, France, Japan, South Korea, and Russia.integration of technologies used in the teaching of natural Sciences, virtual and experimental projects using interactive learning technologies and logical thinking is important for development. The article considers the main factors (physiological, psychological, pedagogical and methodological factors) that affect the development of logical thinking skills of students. Also new approaches and innovative methods for development




