Relationship Recognition and Processing of Descriptive Complex Sentences in Chinese English Machine Translation


  • Wangjun Shi, Ya Zeng


The processing of complex sentences in C-E machine translation should not only rely on the processing of single sentences, but also go beyond the scope of single sentences. The internal relations between clauses in complex sentences should be deeply investigated. Relational words are of great significance to the hierarchical relationship recognition of Chinese complex sentences by computer. The emergence of pseudo relational words and the lack of relational markers have an impact on the hierarchical relationship recognition of complex sentences. This paper analyzes the differences between the relative words in complex sentences and the heterogeneous words of the same form, and reveals the differences between the relative markers and the different usages of the conjunctions and the relative words in the text. At the same time, this paper also digs out the hidden forms of the absence of relation markers in complex sentences, so as to serve the hierarchical relationship recognition of complex sentences. Among them, there are too many non coordinate complex sentences without specific language markers in Chinese descriptive complex sentences. In order to distinguish the internal relations and realize the correct generation of English translation, this paper puts forward a complete set of rules to determine the relationship according to different situations. At the same time, this paper proposes a method to solve the local problem of some complex sentence processing rules. Finally, it is verified by the experimental system.




