Evolution in image steganography; an efficacious route for handling areas of colour noise in digital photography


  • Amjed Abbas Ahmed , Saif Aamer Fadhil , Zahraa Abdulhussein Jaaz


Steganography has attracted an outstanding area of research nowadays. Being the science of hiding information,
it focuses on the concept of hiding a message in plain sight [1]. It can be confusing and frustrating to pointedly
understand how image quality is influenced by digital camera noise. The state of art analysis is relying on
artificial intelligence and machine language techniques aiming to endow with better capability to differentiate
between a carrier image from a hidden message image. Researches conducted in this field manifested that noisy
areas in a picture is harder to construct, making it more difficult to detect an embedded message. Herein, this
article shed the light on a novel steganography route for hiding information in these areas and bestow more
complexation on their detection. The validation of the adopted method has been assessed through harnessing
two imaging databases and two recent Steganalysis. The experiments disclosed that the proposed algorithm has
significantly improved the statistical undetectability with respect to the LSB matching system for the same
capacity of incrustation.




