Quality Of Education Management In Early Children (Paud) Based On Family Welfare Empowerment (Pkk) In Bogor City With Cipp Models


  • Helwiyah Makarim, Didik Notosudjono ,Herfina,


This program evaluation research aims to analyze the quality of PAUD program services based on the Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK), which is universal and comprehensive in the City of Bogor. This study uses a program evaluation method with the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) model. Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative methods. The instruments used were observation, interviews, field studies, and questionnaires. The results of the study concluded that there was not yet a maximum understanding of PAUD service policies that were universal and comprehensive. Even though it has not been maximized, program services based on PKK which are integrated with Posyandu can still be carried out. The majority of PAUD programs based on PKK educators qualify as high school graduates, especially for core cadres, auxiliary cadres, and picket cadres. Facilities and infrastructure need to be adjusted to the number of children, age, environment, and type of service. Besides, it must be able to utilize the potential of existing resources in the environment and not endanger the health of children.




