Flipped classroom approach of learning and teaching in Batu Pahat Science School of Form Two Students
Exploration pedagogical innovation through creativity and interaction for android or internet generation in Malaysia is a challenge in the 21st century flipped classroom model is a new structure through a perspective that teaching outside the classroom use of technology and make the assignments and quizzes in class through interaction learning environment. This study measures the perception of form two and implementation of the flipped classroom and comprehensive approach with conventional teaching at Sekolah Menengah Sains Batu Pahat. The research used quasi experimental design and descriptive analysis. Five Life Skills class subject for Form Two student at Sekolah Menengah Sains Batu Pahat were exposed to the flipped classroom model for one term learning session (January-March 2016). Throughout the term, teaching video resources can be accessed in Edmodo social media in the afternoon or evening, and interactive pedagogical methods for studying the interaction of students during class debut. This study used quantitative measurements to analyze the perception of students and implementation flipped classroom through measurement assessment based learning innovations. Learning environment for flipped classroom approach differences with traditional teaching assessed by questionnaire College and University Classroom Environment Inventory (CUCEI) to analyze the implementation of the selected data and the real students. Quantitative data were analyzed using percentage data, mode, median, mean, standard deviation, and ANOVA and compared to interview 5 students to test the validity and reliability of the questionnaire students. The findings of this study stated flipped classroom learning approach causes less satisfied with their job structure because diversity is not in the conventional approach. Finally, the concept of comfort in learning activities developed in the study of this learning environment.