Lateral Deformation Estimation on Deep Excavation by Using Elasto-plastic Calculation


  • Yanyan Agustian*, Asep Setiawan, Raden Herdian Bayu AshSiddiq


For safety and smoothness of excavation work, especially deep excavation, it is necessary to
calculate the horizontal displacement of the soil wall so that its movement can be controlled. This must be
done continuously during the excavation process until the backfilling process is complete. However, the
calculation of ground motion due to the lateral forces of the soil is very complex. This is due to the nonlinear
nature of the soil, by means that the calculation must consider the nonlinearity of the soil and also consider
the properties of the soil spring and the retaining wall itself. One computational approach has been
undertaken in this case study which describes the calculation of soil properties and retaining walls to
estimate and evaluate the movement of the retaining walls during excavation works. The results of the
calculations show a good correlation between the results of the calculations and the results of monitoring the
movements in the field. So that this method can be used for similar calculations in excavation work.




