Analysis of Water Pollution Status in Singkarak Lake West Sumatra Province, Indonesia


  • Raden Herdian Bayu Ash Siddiq


Singkarak Lakeis one of the 15 National Priority Lakes. The hydrological condition of Singkarak
Lakeis formed by small to large river flows that empties into Singkarak Lake, including: Sumpur River, Baing
River, Paninggahan River, Saningbakar River, Muaro Pingai River and Sumani River. Meanwhile, the
Singkarak Lakeoutlet naturally flows eastward through the Ombilin River and empties into Riau Province. The
construction of settlements on the lake's border and garbage disposal by the community also reduces the
aesthetic value of this lake. This study was created to complement previous research and analyze the status of
the water quality of Singkarak Lakebased on 16 water quality parameters. The method used in this research is
the STORET method. Water samples were taken at 6 river estuary locations around Singkarak Lake. The water
sample was then sent to be tested for water quality in the laboratory. From the calculation of the STORET
method, it was found that there were 4 water quality parameters that exceeded the Class 2 Quality Standard,
namely Suspended Substances, BOD, Phosphate (PO) and Zinc (Zn). The total score obtained is -22, this means
that the status of the Singkarak lake water quality when compared to the Class 2 Water Quality Standard is at
the moderately polluted.




