Preliminary Study of Tower Composter on Composting Organic Waste by using Bioactivator


  • D Anwar* , K Sitorus, R Lumbangaol, E Nainggolan


This study aims to obtain composting data for organic waste by varying the types
of bioactivators and heights of piles as a preliminary study of composting using a tower
composter. The composting process is carried out by entering organic waste into the
composter and adding a bioactivator until the moisture content (MC) of the material reaches
50-60%. During the composting process, MC is controlled under optimal conditions by
adding a bioactivator. The variations in the types of bioactivators used were EM 4 and liquid
fertilizer combined with buffalo dung plus EM 4, while variations in heap heights were
carried out at a height of 90 and 135 cm. The parameters to be analyzed in this study were
moisture content, pH, and C /N ratio. The results showed that compost with a combination of
buffalo dung bioactivator liquid fertilizer added to the best EM4 degradation. The quality of
mature compost for 20 days of composting using bio-activator liquid organic fertilizer from
buffalo dung shows a change in pH 6.5 parameters; MC 50,23% and C/N 12,12. The quality
of the compost ripe for 20 days after composting, bio activator EM 4 showed changes in pH
parameters 7.5; MC 52.36% and C/N 14.38.




