Positive Psychology of Farmers as Sustainable Agricultural Entrepreneurial Capital


  • Feliks Arfid Guampe, Chalid Imran Musa, Basri Bado


The purpose of this study is to examine the positive psychological capital owned by farmers to achieve sustainable agricultural entrepreneurship. Rural Morowali Utara, Central Sulawesi Province was chosen as the study location. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. In order to answer the research problem, researchers conducted in-depth interviews with 6 farmers consisting of 2 cocoa farmers, 2 lowland rice farmers and 2 oil palm farmers as key information farmers, provided they have private agricultural land and farming experience over 5 years. The results showed that positive psychological capital is very important in agricultural entrepreneurship, especially for improving agricultural business performance and achieving sustainable agricultural entrepreneurship. All informant farmers have positive psychological capital; confidence, hope, optimism and good resilience. The results also show that with positive psychological capital, farmers have the ability to survive and find solutions to the problems they face, have confidence in business success, have entrepreneurial goals and strategies, are able to adapt, and are able to innovate to improve agricultural business performance.

Keywords- Capital, positive psychology, entrepreneurship, agriculture, farmers




